Thursday, September 4, 2008

MY 3's...

So I was tagged about a week ago, sorry I'm a little behind!! Sooo Here we go....
My 3 JOYS:
1. My beautiful family, I am so blessed to have them.
2. Takum's sweetness! I don't know how many people truly know how sweet he is!
3. Olivia and her girliness! It's fun and I see a little of myself everyday in her!

1. Losing someone in my family. I would truly be lost with out them.
2. Heights. DEATHLY AFRAID is an understatement:)
3. Missing a chance to expand my or my families horizons!

1. To be just like my mom!! She is more than AWSOME!
2. To get back into my favorite jeans!! I'm not even counting pounds just keep trying them on!!
3. To learn to like to sweat!! There's more to life than sitting in the airconditioned house!! (AND it will help out with the jeans:))

CURRENT OBSESSIONS: (do I have to have 3? Here they are)
1. BLOGGING:) I'm not very good at it but I'm trying!!
2. THE TWILIGHT SERIES... I finished all of them in 2 weeks, it was crazy!!
3. WHAT NOT TO WEAR! I swear they have my outfits on there as big NO NO'S, but I love the show:)

This is tough. I really don't have regrets, maybe I'd like a "DO-OVER" but you can't regret what happends, it can only make you stronger.

1. I am and will forever be 29 years old:)
2. I own a pair of jeans for EVERY day of the month... Jason counted:)
3. I pick my favorite sports teams based solely on how "cute" their uniforms are. (Unless David Beckham is involved! It really doesn't matter what he's wearing!)

So there you go I'm a little crazy, who isn't! NOw I tag a few people and the fun goes on! I tagg... Lindsay, Jenny, Jennie B, Kim, April Have Fun!!! So you all share your 3's with us:)


Sarah said...

Good job on fullfilling your "tag duty" and way cute background! It's gorgeous!

Team Och said...

Hey, awesome background! I have to agree with you on Tak's sweetness. I'm a fan. :-)

Brianna said...

I found you and I enjoyed reading your 3's...also I don't think a months worth of jeans is to many at all. Now all you need is a months worth of shoes to go with all those jeans!